“Follow me for refreshment” #1, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

"Follow me for refreshment" #1, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

Two children play next to the Coca-Cola truck, parked in the street market of Harar.

"Follow me for refreshment" #2, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

The coca-cola truck drives off in a cloud of its own exhaust.
Incongruous Coca-Cola advertising in Harar, a elsewhere in Ethiopia, is an ommnipresent aspect of the landscape. To see such a colorful and professional vehicle, among plain and run-down cars and trucks on the dusty walled streets of Harar, is quite strange.

All this week: Coca-Cola ads in Harar.

Hyena Feeding, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

Hyena Feeding #1, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009
Hyena Feeding #2, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009
Hyena Feeding #3, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

The people of Harar have traditionally had a special relationship with hyenas, which, in addition to their role as scavengers, are believed to be able to carry off evil spirits by passing near a person so affected. The feeding of hyenas is carried out at two sites currently; one, the more popular with tourists, is at a muslim shrine (the locals are Sufis) outside the walls, and the feeder is the man who keeps the shrine. In addition to putting on a show of how close he gets to the animals while handing them their strips of camel meat, he will also let visitors feed the hyenas, handing them a stick pre-laden with meat, which the guest can then hold out for the hyenas. I fed them a few times, but did not take any photos while doing so.

Goat #3 (Chewing Chat), Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

Goat #3 (Chewing Chat), Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

This goat is partaking of the leaves of chat (qat), the favorite past-time and narcotic of choice of the Harari people. Only the young soft leaves are chewed to gain the narcotic effects (followed by a period of stimulation), so the rest are thrown into the street for the goats, with predictable results in terms of alternatively sedated and stimulated goats.