Beans for sale atthe market are measured out in little cans. The can is heaped as high as it will go, and the amount that stays is the base amount that you purchase in multiples of. This practice of heaping measures was essentially universal in Ethiopia, so far as I could tell.
Tag: market
Maize, Market, Mekane Eyesus, Ethiopia, 2011
Market Cat #2, Mek’ele, Tigray, Ethiopia, 2009
Baskets and Dye, Axum, Tigray, Ethiopia, November 2009
The basket market, under a large tree in the centre of town.
The dye sellers measure out dyes for baskets, under a different large tree near the ‘old town.’
Women bring their brightly-colored handwoven injera baskets to the market at the center of town for the market attached to the festival of Maryam Tsion (St. Mary of Zion) in Axum, Ethiopia. The basket serves as both table and covering for meals, and is a prominent feature of many living rooms.