Friday Links

I am going to try the tradition of Friday linking, with some blogs which I read, and think others might enjoy.

Syama-san’s Tokyo Street Cats Blog
A Photo from Syama's Street Cat's Blog

Syama’s blog presents intimate, slightly-environmental portraits of the plentiful cats he meets on the streets of Tokyo. Mainly monochrome, but also in color. More than just cute cats, this feels like an intimate look into the lives and environments of these Japanese felines.

Education and Inspiration for the Mind and Spirit of the Photographer

One of the best photographic learning sites, until it recently closed, was The Radiant Vista. Craig Tanner, at the heart of that project, and various friends, have opened a new site, The Mindful Eye, with a daily photo critique (well recommended), tutorials (sadly only viewable onsite, which doesn’t work for my slow connection), and lots of good thoughts about photography, as well as Craig’s photoblog and a set of community forums. Check it out.