Jackie and Ben’s Wedding

Jackie and Ben's Wedding

Recently, I had the good fortune to photograph Jackie and Ben’s wedding. We had fun taking formals in front of Osgoode Hall, before heading to a great Toronto institution–the chip truck, for their first meal as a married couple. Here’s the first instalment.

Signing the marriage contract. . .

Kissing in front of a beautiful rosebush in the gardens of Osgoode Hall. . .
Jackie and Ben's Wedding

Walking hand in hand. . .
Jackie and Ben's Wedding

Ben groaned when I motioned toward the pillars, anticipating that I wanted to take a peekaboo shot. I hope the result changed his mind. . .
Jackie and Ben's Wedding

Woman in Street #2, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

Woman in Street #2, Harar, Ethiopia, 2009

Two women talk as they carry goods along the streets of the lower part of the Jubol.
I was consciously trying to capture scenes of women traveling through the walled streets of Harar. There are few vehicles in the Jubol (the old city), and all kinds of errands are carried out by hand and foot.

Sorry for the less-than-inspired title.